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Question 1.

Regarding step 1 of the six step rhythm analysis, the trace below shows an absence of electrical activity. What is the most likely cause for this?

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Question 2.

Regarding step 2 of the six step rhythm analysis, calculate the heart rate of this ECG trace

Screenshot 2022-11-01 at 22.51.30.png
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Question 3.

Regarding Step 3 of the six step rhythm analysis, how would you describe the following trace in terms of regularity?

Screenshot 2022-11-01 at 22.56.58.png
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Question 4.

Concerning step 4 of the six step rhythm analysis, What is the most likely explanation for this broad QRS morphology seen in lead V1?

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Question 5.

Concerning step 5 of the six step rhythm analysis, in which of the following rhthms would you NOT expect to see evidence of p-waves

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Question 6.

Concerning step 6 of the six step rhythm analysis, what is the best description of the P:QRS relationship in the following trace

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